what's an orphan? Orphan identity and upbringing The word orphan means destitute and lonely. Boys and girls without parents are called orphans. In Islamic terms, a child whose father has passed away is called an orphan. A child without a mother while the father is present is not called an orphan in Islamic terms.
Because it is the father's responsibility to raise, maintain and bear the expenses of the child. So the child will be considered destitute and lonely only when the father is not there. Even in the absence of the mother, this responsibility is assigned to the father. So the motherless child is not destitute and lonely. And when the child becomes an adult, he is not called fatherless.
Because he is self-reliant. Islam has not only given moral guidance about the helpless; Rather, the helpless has laid the foundations of administrative and legal rights. It is detailed in the books of Hadith.
Orphan in the Holy Qur'an:There are many verses in the Holy Qur'an regarding dignity and guidance in accepting the helpless responsibility. One verse says, 'They ask you about the fatherless. Tell them, it is better to correct them. That is, if you want to do something beneficial for their development, then arrange for their correction and overall care.
Allah Ta-ala reprimands those who do injustice to Fatherless and says - 'Impossible, (never) rather you do not protect the honor of the helpless.' Quraish of Makkah used to oppress the helpless. When the father died, the uncle would come and absorb all the wealth of the nephew and digest it in his stomach.
Allah Ta-ala forbids them from this evil action. Bullying fatherless and orphans is also forbidden in Islam. It has been said, 'You are not harsh to the helpless.
Raising the helpless, rehabilitating them etc. should be selfless. It is described, 'They give food to the needy, the helpless and the captive (in love of Allah) despite their attachment to food. (And they say) We feed you only for the pleasure of Allah. I do not want any compensation from you in return.
What did Rasul (PBUH) say about this fatherless the helpless?Narrated in the hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'I and the Fatherless Sustainer will be like this in Paradise—he indicated with his index and middle fingers. And between these two he makes little gap.
Regarding the status of the helpless, the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) also said - the widow-the helpless and the person who helps the poor are equal to the Mujahid in the path of Allah. Or his status is like that of one who wakes the night (for prayer), who never gets tired. Or his status is like that of a fasting person who never breaks his fast.
According to the hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The house of the Muslims is the best, in which there is a fatherless helpless person and he is treated well." And the worst is that house, where there is fatherless, but he is treated badly. Then he said through his finger, 'I and the fatherless nurturer will stay like this in Paradise.
Fatherless child. In the eyes of Islam, a child whose father has died is called an orphan. He will be considered fatherless till adulthood. After becoming an adult, he will no longer be called helpless. Narrated from hadith.
لا يُتْمَ بعد احتلامٍ , لا يُتْمَ على جاريةٍ إدا هي حاضَت "No boy child is helpless if he has a dream and no girl child is helpless if he is menstruating. Hadith says عسناده جيد رجاله ثقات.
That is, one of the signs of puberty in boys and menstruation in girls. If these signs are found, they cannot be called helpless in the eyes of Islam.
In our country girls usually become adults at: 9/10 years and boys at 10/11 years. But individuals can be more or less. It is not right to call him helpless if he is of age. A child whose mother is dead and father is alive is not called an orphan in the eyes of Islam.
Accepting and nurturing fatherless responsibilities is a great means of being very close to the Prophet (PBUH) in Jannah: Sa-hl RA. There are narrations taken from hadiths,
I and the Fatherless undertaker shall stand side by side like these two limbs in Paradise." After saying this, the Prophet (PBUH) showed his middle and big toes close together.
Spending money on fatherless-orphan children is a great dignified act: Allah Ta-ala says: They ask you, what will they spend? Say, whatever you spend, it will be for parents, for relatives, for orphans, for the helpless and for travelers.
What's the horror of the fatherless wealth unjustly consumed?And whatever good deed you do, surely Allah knows it very well. Devouring fatherless wealth is a cause of going to Hell: Allah Ta-ala says:
Those who eat the wealth of the helpless unjustly, fill their bellies with fire and soon they will enter hell. If poor, it is permissible to accept remuneration for looking after the helpless and protecting the property.
If someone has a fatherless child under his care, if he is financially weak and needy, then it is permissible to take some money from his wealth in a reasonable and acceptable manner as remuneration for looking after him and maintaining his wealth. As Allah Ta-la says:
And take special care of the Fatherless, until they are of marriageable age. If you can find wisdom in them, entrust their wealth to them.
Don't overspend on Fatherless goods or eat them too quickly thinking they will grow up. Those who are wealthy must refrain from spending the helpless goods. And he who is in need can eat a reasonable amount. When you return their wealth to them, keep witnesses.
In short, taking care of a fatherless orphan child, taking responsibility for him, giving him affection, showing mercy to him, protecting his wealth, etc., is a highly prestigious act in the eyes of Islam and a means of entering Paradise.
On the other hand, plundering his wealth or treating him unjustly is a very reprehensible and reprehensible act and leads to Hellfire. May Allah Ta-ala grant us (Tu-FI-k) to care for orphan children, Ameen.
What's more about the helpless rights in Islam?The word means lonely. If only one pearl is born in an oyster, it is called Helpless parents lost' or 'lone pearl'. Both words are used in fatherless.
Orphan is commonly called in our society - whose parents, or any one has died. In the terminology of Islamic Sharia, that minor, unsuitable boy or girl is called fatherless, whose father is not alive.
Who we do not know - the greatest human being Haz-rat Muhammad (PBUH) was born as an orphan. More sadly, his beloved mother also left the world when he was six years old.
He grew up under the tutelage, sustenance and care of his grandfather and uncle. In this context, Allah Ta-ala said, He did not find you fatherless? Then he gave hope. Islam is a religion of equality and justice. Being kind and gentle to animals is one of the ideals and teachings of Islam.
The Holy Qur'an-Hadith has elaborated on Fatherless rights, status and rewards of mercy towards Fatherless. Allah Ta-ala says, and to you they ask, the provision regarding the helpless. Tell them, it is better to organize their work properly.
And if you mix their expenses with yours, then you will think that they are your brothers. In fact, Allah knows the ill-wishers and the well-wishers. Had Allah willed, He could have imposed complications upon you. Surely He is mighty, wise.
Preservation and return of what's an orphan's assets?Allah Ta-ala instructs regarding the preservation and return of fatherless wealth, explain to the fatherless their wealth. Do not exchange good goods for bad goods. Don't let these poor people eat your money together. Surely this is a very bad thing.
Allah Ta-ala further mentions in this regard, and will test the Fatherless, until they are eligible for marriage; Then if you see in them the knowledge of right and wrong, give them back their wealth.
Don't waste and eat them quickly as they will get bigger. He who is free from want should be abstinent and he who is without wealth should enjoy moderation. Then bear witness when you give them back their wealth. And Allah is sufficient in reckoning.
In the first verse above, Allah Ta-ala commands the Fatherless to treat them well and nicely and to fulfill their duties, rights and obligations easily. In the second and third verses, the rules and procedures for adopting the guardianship of orphans, the permission and restrictions on the use of their wealth, and the process and period for transferring their wealth to them are described very neatly.
What's the horror of eating an orphan's wealth?Describing the horrors of eating fatherless wealth, Allah the Exalted says, Those who eat fatherless wealth unjustly, fill their stomachs with fire and they will enter the fire.
In Islam, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, avoid seven destructive actions. Companions. He said, O Messenger of God! What are they? The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, Associating anyone with Allah, magic, killing a life unjustly, usury, devouring fatherless wealth, fleeing from the battlefield and slandering a believing woman.
Warning against unlawful interference with fatherless wealth and describing the necessity of fulfilling the covenant made with them, Allah the Exalted states, And do not approach the helpless wealth, except in the best way, until he reaches the fullness of age. And fulfill the pledge, surely the pledge will be questioned.
It is evident from the above verses and hadiths, if one accepts the guardianship of the helpless, the fatherless cannot be treated with indecent behavior or the least oppression-torture. The fatherless shall not use his resources unnecessarily without incurring expenses and in this case shall not be wasted or misappropriated in any way.
What's an orphan's wealth mixed with his own wealth?In the case of guardianship, the fatherless good fortune cannot be mixed with his own inferior wealth. He cannot be cheated, deceived or harmed in any way.
It is further provided that, even after the orphan has attained the age of maturity, he has no right to use or exercise any right without transferring his property, or to break any pledge or promise made to him; Rather, it is forbidden and prohibited.
But this helpless the fatherless is constantly going on with the fatherless doing various haram and inferior sins including eating the wealth, unjustly axing them, cheating them, cheating and breaking promises. Due to various weaknesses and fear of oppression, the fatherless are not able to open their mouths and do not understand their rightful rights.
What's the abomination with an orphan?Not just between parents or neighbors; Some of the other hateful evils prevalent in the whole society are, people of different levels do not speak truth and justice to the fatherless, but speak unfairly and unethically to the rich or influential, look down on the weak Fatherless, scold, harass in various ways and choke.
Basically, these are the nature of disbelievers. Allah Ta-ala reprimands people of such a nature and says, Have you seen him who tells what's an lie on the Day of Judgment? He is the one that Fatherless violently chases away. And does not encourage the poor to give food.
Allah Ta-ala describes their what's an evil character and indicates, it is immaterial; Rather you do not respect the Fatherless. As Islam prescribes good behavior towards Fatherless, maintenance of Fatherless wealth, proper education and return of wealth to him at suitable age, without all kinds of harm, overall welfare. Similarly strictly refrains from treating the Fatherless harshly and harshly.
Allah Ta-ala instructs, so do not be harsh towards the Fatherless. Allah Ta-ala says elsewhere, the good deed is not only to face the east or the west, what's an rather the greatest good deed is to believe in Allah, the Day of Judgment, the angels and all the prophets.
What's how to donate for orphan?And will spend wealth for his love for relatives, fatherless-poor, travelers-beggars and freed slaves. And those who establish prayer, give zakat, and fulfill their vows, and are patient in times of want, sickness, grief, and war, those are the righteous, and those are the pious.
Our beloved (PBUH) was an orphan. As a result, he realizes how deep is the emptiness of his parents' love, affection and compassion. Looking at his biography, it can be seen that he loved Fatherless very much, embraced him with affection.
Fatherless love is what's an Islamic law and feature and the ideal and Sunnah of our Prophet (PBUH). Once on the morning of Eid, the Prophet (PBUH) saw an orphan child standing in the street crying, dressed in rags, his whole body covered in mud, and was moved with emotion.
prophet (PBUH) brought him home and his cousin, Umm al-Mu-min-in Ayesha. Who says, give the child a good bath and make it clean.
Ayesha. After taking a bath, he dressed her in new clothes and took her to perform the Eid prayer. Affectionately said to the child - from today I am your father and Ayesha is your mother. I can say with my hand on my chest, in love-compassion, heart-love for the helpless Fatherless, What's an orphan's sense of humanity, magnanimity?
No one can be found in history who is more advanced than my novice. The question remains - being the ummah of the greatest human being of all time, Rah dear Prophet (PBUH), how much have we been able to establish his ideals, sense of humanity, greatness among ourselves or cherish.
Prophet Karim (PBUH) said about the good behavior towards Fatherless, what's an Muslim's house is the best? The house where the helpless is and is treated well.
And what's the worst house, the house where there is no father but he is treated badly. Then he said through his limbs, 'I and the poor fosterer will stay like this in Paradise.
The hadith describes the incredible status of the fatherless nurturer. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, I and the fatherless nurturer will be like this in Paradise, he indicated with his index and middle fingers and left a little gap between them.
What's the punishment for eating orphan's wealth?In another hadith, it is stated that a person who raises a fatherless person, then becomes an adult or able to stand on his own feet, Allah Ta-ala makes Jannah necessary for that person, similarly, a person who loses his parents and eats up the property of a fatherless fatherless, Allah Ta-ala makes Hell for him. Determined.
Fatherless food givers what's an attribute of the benefactors. In this context, Allah Ta-ala said, and they feed the needy, the fatherless and the captive with the love of Allah. It is understood by the verse,
What's an all-round good deed?If one does not have love and compassion for the Fatherless despite performing all good deeds, does not give them pain, or does not try to relieve their suffering despite his means, then he cannot be considered as a complete good deed in the sight of Allah Almighty.
What's the Prophet (PBUH) said? A person who helps the widow, the fatherless and the poor is equal to a mujahid in the cause of Allah, or his status is like that of one who stays awake all night and prays, who never gets tired. Or his status is like that of a fasting person, who never breaks his Iftar fast.
By expressing what's compassion for the Fatherless, the heart is softened and soothed. Narrated in Islam, a man complained to the Prophet (PBUH) about his hard heart, the Prophet (PBUH) said, Wipe this helpless Fatherless head, pull it close in love and compassion and feed the needy.
What's an other hadith states that whoever puts his hand on the head of a fatherless person in love, Allah will give him the merit of the hair under his hand. The fourth Caliph of Islam, Ali. Lying on the bed of martyrdom,
What's an warning about the Fatherless people in the last testament, be careful! Fear Allah concerning the Fatherless, do not criticize them and do not harm them in your presence.
Let us be kind and compassionate to the Fatherless, treat them well. Try to get their rights, and what's always by their side. By obeying the commands of Allah Ta-ala and the beloved Prophet (PBUH), I vowed to achieve welfare in this and the hereafter. May the great Lord bless you.