The true meaning of friendship suggests a bond between people who have similar commitments and thus potentially share the same destiny. It signifies the presence of the deepest bonds of friendship, of lives lived as companions of the distant past.

Many of us have people in our lives with whom we feel the connection described by the word friend in the true meaning. They can be family members, a mother,
A brother, a daughter, a cousin. Or a high school friend we haven't spoken to in decades. Time and distance do not diminish our bond with such friends.
So the question arises: Why do we have this kind of chemistry with the true meaning of words that we know and dozens of other people.
The more we look for answers, the more elusive they become. It may not be possible to know, but the true meaning is definitely the characteristics that define a friendship relationship.
of friendship are people united as friends?
Desire the same. It probably brings us closer to friendships that many don't want to admit. When our interests diverge and we find nothing to enjoy together,
Then the time we spend together decreases rapidly. It's not that we can't still think deeply about friends with whom we no longer share common interests, but it's probably rarer to interact with such friends on a regular basis.
history Nothing brings people together, even those who have little in common, than going through the same difficult experiences.
However, as the only glue that keeps long-term friendships whole, it often dries up, cracks, and ultimately fails.
common standards. Although this is not enough to create a friendship, it is difficult to develop a friendship if the values are too divergent.
Equality If a guy needs the support of another on a constant basis, so that the one he depends on gets no benefit other than the opportunity to support and encourage him, while the relationship can be important and valuable, no one does of friendship friendship.
Which of friendship makes a friend worthy of the name meaning?
A commitment to your happiness. A true friend is always willing to keep you happy. They say that "good advice hits your ears",
But a true friend won't stop telling you things you don't want to hear, things that might even risk breaking the friendship, if you do.
Listening is best for you. meaning A true friendship is when a friend does not lack mercy to correct you when you are wrong.
meaning A true friend will confront you about your drinking problem just as soon as they tell you about a malignant-looking skin lesion on your back that you can't see yourself.
Don't be surprised if he puts friendship before his principles. Meaning a true friend will not ask you to compromise your values for your friendship or anything else. Already
good effect A true friend inspires you to live up to your best potential, not indulge in your worst workouts.
meaning Of course, we can have friends who meet all these criteria and still not feel great. There always seems to be an additional factor,
An attraction that draws people together romantically, that binds friends together, often instantly, for no reason that either person can identify.
But when you find these people, these of friendship, they are like priceless gems. Meaning they are like looking for a home.
How to attract real friendship?
It's a simple one, at least on paper: become a true friend yourself. One of my favorite quotes comes from Gandhi: Be the change you want to see in the world.
Be the friend you want to have. We all tend to attract people into our lives whose characters mirror our own.
Meaning you don't have to transform yourself into what others find attractive. Whatever your interests are, they are shared by others.
Meaning make yourself a big goal. Join social clubs organized around activities you love. Take advantage of the Internet to find like-minded people. Please take action.
Come to think of it, there are four people in my life whom I consider the true meaning of friendship. how much do you have.