Father and mother is the greatest resource for a child. No one is yours than your parents. After the rights of creator, the main rights are father-mother rights. Parents bring up children, so their status and rights are the same later.

From the time the child becomes active, his responsibility towards the father and mother starts. It is also the child's duty to make efforts or provide for their food and shelter, to provide medical care if they are sick.
Being kind to father and mother is obeying them in all matters except wrongdoing and sin. Be gentle with them. Bringing joy to their hearts. Worrying about their thoughts. Treating their friends and relatives well.
It is the main responsibility and duty of the child to remove any kind of trouble and problem from them. Disrespecting parents, not paying attention to their pleasures and displeasures, not being able to behave in the most beautiful way is extreme.
Even if there is any harm to the child by the father mother, they cannot be mistreated. Despite this, there are enough images of misbehaving parents in today's society. It is seen in many cases in the society that the child cannot carry his own expenses.
Then it is not possible for him to bear the father mother expenses. Those who have the ability have turned away from their parents due to lack of proper education. The picture of their consequences is also terrible.
In Islam a total of 14 rights are given to the child in the form of law, 7 rights per father and mother while alive and 7 rights after death. o be respectful to parents while alive, to love them wholeheartedly, to always obey them,
Serving them, meeting their needs, trying to keep them well, safe and at peace, visiting and looking after them regularly. And after death, to pray for the forgiveness of father mother, to reach the reward, to help their companions and relatives,
Paying off debts and collecting deposits, fulfilling Shariah-compliant wills, visiting their graves as much as possible. In the hadith, father and mother are God's great blessings. So to despise them is to despise Allah Himself. God's pleasure and displeasure depends on the satisfaction and displeasure of parents.
Father and mother rights as the highest beautiful behavior?
Even if the father mother harms the children, they cannot be mistreated. Respecting parents will earn respect from future generations. You should educate your child in Islamic education.
There are also images of father mother leaving them in old-age homes or launch-rail stations without bearing the expenses. Many of those who have the ability have turned away from their parents due to lack of proper education.
However, it is rare for parents to abandon their children due to illness or danger. Everything can be conquered with affection, respect and love. All parents love their children. Father mother rights are preserved only if all the children act as mothers.
To talk to them in soft tones, to be always engaged in their happiness and peace if they are poor, to wish for their welfare, not to trouble them, to try to fulfill their wishes,
After their death, making good funeral arrangements, paying their debts, praying for them, etc., these rights of parents belong to responsible and worthy children.
Father mother nurtures the child. Provides his food and livelihood. Arranges treatment if sick. They suffer for their peace. All of them put a lot of pressure on themselves.
Accepts various hardships for the happiness of the child. Educates him for his maturity and perfection. Therefore, it is the duty of the child to treat father and mother tenderly, to give joy to their hearts, to spend for them with open hands, to be worried about their thoughts.
Treating their relatives and friends well, removing any kind of pain and problems, loving them for life also falls under the responsibility of the child. Being disobedient with father mother, being arrogant with parents,
Beating, abusing, humiliating and belittling them. Everything can be conquered with affection, respect and love. All parents love their children. All children belong to everyone, only if they fulfill their responsibilities, everyone's rights are preserved.
A child has multiple duties and rights towards father-mother father even after death. For example, making good arrangements for their charity, paying their debts, praying for them, giving charity on their behalf, treating them well with their friends and relatives.
In our country, father mother maintenance act 2013, how many obligations have been prescribed. According to sub-sections 1, 4, 5 of section 3 of this Act, every child (able and capable) shall ensure the maintenance of his parents and shall ensure their cohabitation at the same place,
They cannot be forced to live together or separately in any nursing home or elsewhere against their will. Every child shall regularly inquire about the health of his father mother and shall provide necessary medical care and treatment.
Violation of the provisions shall constitute an offense and shall be punishable with a fine not exceeding 1 lakh rupees; Or in case of non-payment of the fine, he will be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 (three) months.
Even if the son-in-law or son-in-law or any other close relative obstructs the maintenance of the father and mother, then he will be deemed to have assisted in the commission of such crime and will be punished with the said penalty.
Narrated from, he said, A person asked, O Messenger of Allah (PBUH), who is the most preferred to receive my good behavior in my company? he said,
your mother The man said, then who? The Prophet (PBUH) said, Your mother. He said, then who? He said, Your mother. He said, then who? He said, then your father.
Father mother is the most valuable resource for a child. Their satisfaction-dissatisfaction determines the heaven or hell of the child. After the rights of Allah Ta-ala, the biggest and most important rights are the rights of parents.
Because these rights are very important and important, Allah Ta-ala has mentioned the rights of father and mother in the Quran. What should be done with them, what should not be done is said in the Quran and Hadith.
It is mentioned in the Qur'an, 'And your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Him and treat your parents well. If one or both of them reach old age with you,
But don't say 'Oops' to them and don't scold them. And talk to them respectfully. In order to treat them well, the Qur'an also says,
prayer as the rights of a father and mother?
'And be merciful to them both and bow down the wings of humility and say, 'My Lord, have mercy on them as they brought me up in childhood'.
There are enough images of misbehaving father mother in today's society despite such instructions to the child. There is also an image in this society of not bearing the expenses of the parents and leaving them in the old age home or in sacks at the launch or railway station.
But in some cases there are some real reasons. It is seen in many cases in the society that the child cannot carry his own expenses. Then it is not possible for him to bear the expenses of his parents.
And those who have ability have turned away from father and mother due to lack of proper education. The picture of their consequences is also terrible. It is difficult to summarize it. However, I will try to highlight some of its harmful aspects in the light of Quran-Hadith, Inshallah.
Importance and rights of parents
1) Parents are the means by which children come into the world 2) Right of father mother after Allah 3) Treating parents well is a characteristic of prophets 4) Paradise is the reward for treating parents well 5) Looking respectfully at parents is equal to accepted Hajj.
6) Treating parents well is most loved by Allah 7) Serving one's parents is better than Jihad 8) The mother's rights are three times that of the father's 9)prayer is bad of parents are directly accepted
The status and rights of father and mother?
The rights of father and mother have been magnified by Allah Ta-ala because He brought the child into existence and created through them. And the mother has accepted many great hardships at different levels including pregnancy.
In reality, various types of destruction and horrors have been encountered. The father struggles a lot to bear all the expenses of his upbringing. And mother admits the three biggest hardships behind her. That's why threefold rights have been given to the mother in the hadith.
Allah Ta-ala says, 'I have ordered people to be kind to their father and mother. His mother conceived him with difficulty and delivered him with difficulty. And breastfeeding is one of the signs of Allah.
On the other hand father nurtures the child. Strives for his sustenance and livelihood. Arranges treatment if sick. Parents wake up at night for the child to sleep.
They suffer for his peace. With all kinds of rights, they bear the pressure on themselves for a good system. Accepts various hardships for the happiness of the child. Educates him for his maturity and perfection.
It is never possible to realize the rights and duties of father mother. But there is a condition through which it is possible to fulfill the duty towards them. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, The son can pay the price of his father's contribution when he frees his father by getting a slave.
father mother is the main means of attaining paradise. Whoever treats them well will enter Paradise. The Prophet (PBUH) said, 'Let his nose be covered with dust, let his nose be covered with dust, let his nose be covered with dust.
It was said - whose Prophet (peace be upon him) is this? He said, He who sees his parents or one of the two in old age but cannot go to Paradise.
If parents can be satisfied with full rights then Allah Ta-ala is also satisfied. The Prophet (PBUH) said, Allah's pleasure is in the father's pleasure and Allah's displeasure is in the father's displeasure.
Being kind to father mother is obeying them in all matters except sin and sin. Fulfilling their instructions and wills. Be gentle with them. Bringing joy to their hearts.
Spending for them with open hands as rights. Treat them with kindness and mercy. Worrying about their thoughts. Be nice to their friends. Be kind to their relatives. To remove any kind of suffering and problem from them.
Love them forever. Interceding for them during their lifetime and after their death. And the opposite of any of the rights mentioned above is disobedience and misconduct with them.
Increasing disobedience with father mother is a sign of doomsday. And the biggest disobedience to the parents is to deprive the children of their rights and send them to the old age home.
It is not the character of a believer and not even a unique character, besides, it is a great disobedience, to be proud of one's father and mother. beat them up Abusing, insulting and belittling. The Prophet (PBUH) said, 'The fragrance of paradise is found at a distance of 50 thousand years. And the disobedient (child) will not even smell it.