donate to an orphanage because its important virtue is that donation brings peace of mind. If we donate to an orphanage or any helpless person, the great Lord protects us from various troubles. In the orphanage, if you donate, the wealth increases, not decreases. So extending the hand of charity benefits many people including the poor and the poor.
The great Lord said, 'If you openly give charity in the orphanage, how much better it is. And if you secretly donate to poor people or in the orphanage, it is even better. And He will forgive your sins.
What is charity? In Islamic terminology, giving in the orphanage or any charity is called charity. The word charity comes from the Arabic 'الاعمال الخيرية'. Meaning - Truthfulness, accuracy. In terminology, charity is called spending one's wealth solely for the purpose of attaining the pleasure of Allah Ta-ala.
Because, by spending the hard-earned wealth, which is the most beloved thing of man and the main means of living, the person concerned gives tangible evidence of his love for Allah Ta-ala and obedience to His instructions, this expenditure is called charity.
In the Holy Qur'an-Hadith both obligatory and optional donations are called charity. However, in the conventional sense, only optional charity is called charity.
Types of charity: There are two types of charity - an. common charity; 2. Zarya in charity. Donating money to the poor and in the orphanage, good use includes general charity. And charity is said to be those good deeds whose beneficence is permanent.
Foremost among these are providing religious education, writing and publishing religious books and reaching the general public. Because the most beneficial thing for human beings in the life of this world and the hereafter is to get acquainted with Allah, His Laws and His Messenger.
If one person teaches another religious scholar, then that person himself will act and directly or indirectly teach someone else. In this way, the continuation of this good work will continue until the Day of Judgment.
The Prophet (PBUH) called that person as the greatest giver who teaches others the knowledge of the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah. The next place is donating to public welfare sectors like mosques, in the orphanage, madrassas, roads, bridges, ponds etc. Many people are benefited by these and the benefits are long lasting.
Narrated from Hadith In the hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) said, "When a person dies, all his deeds cease, except for three - charity, beneficial knowledge or a virtuous child who prays for him".
Donation in the orphanage or charity anywhere in the Holy Quran: In numerous verses, charity donation is mentioned. Almighty Allah said, 'They ask you, what will they spend? (Allah says) Inform that which is beyond your need.
Almighty God also says, 'O believers! Don't spend your charity in the orphanage and the needy with words of grace and hardship like a person who spends his wealth for show and does not believe in Allah and the Hereafter.
Therefore, the example of this person is like a smooth stone on which some soil has fallen. Then heavy rain fell on it, and soon it was completely cleansed. They do not get any reward for what they have earned.
Allah does not guide the disbelieving community. In another verse, he said, 'Be it in the orphanage or those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah in order to gain the pleasure of Allah and to strengthen their hearts, their example is like a garden on a hill, so that it rains heavily; Then gives a double harvest.
If there is no heavy rain, light rain is enough. "Allah sees your deeds properly" and it is clearly stated in this hadith that surely the poor and the helpless have a right to your wealth.
That is, what we donate to orphanages and other places, in the eyes of the Qur'an, it is not charity; It is the right of the helpless or. When you donate to the most helpless people in the orphanage, you respect the rights of creation itself. Then naturally Allah will honor you.
In another verse, Allah says, 'And they have a certain right to their wealth. Beggars and deprived orphans, orphans in the orphanage, the needy but ashamed, everyone has the right not to touch anyone' (Surah Maa-r-I-j, verses 24-25). In the Holy Qur'an, Almighty Allah also says,
The example of those who spend wealth in the orphanage and in the way of Allah is like a seed from which seven sprouts grow. And each seed has a hundred seeds. And Allah bestows on whomever He wills. Allah is All-Wise and All-Knowing.
Etiquette and rules of donation
There are manners or manners towards the world. And this is where the beauty of Islam is revealed. In the orphanage there are some special etiquettes and rules for charity. It is important to take care of these things while donating. They are-
Donation must be sacred or valid. Because it is not permissible to donate haram money in the hope of reward. Because Allah Ta-ala himself is pure, He does not accept anything except pure things.
Deeds preferred by Allah in the orphanage Donating to helpless orphans. For this it is better to donate regularly even if it is small. Donate according to ability. Don't be ashamed of a small donation and don't think it insignificant. Give generously and happily with the intention of reward.
Be it in the orphanage for the helpless people, but only for the purpose of pleasing Allah Ta-ala. Donation cannot be done with the hope of getting people's praise or praise. Donation should not be associated with any worldly interests.
Giving priority to close relatives in donation. Because giving to relatives has a double reward. It is better to donate to the neighbors next to your house after your close relatives.
In the orphanage, neighbors have a higher priority in receiving donations. Then give to those who are in need. But it is not necessary to maintain the continuity of donation in case of necessity.
In the orphanage it is better to donate secretly.
The example of giving is such that what the right hand gives, the left hand does not perceive. Donating to non-Muslims to attract them to Islam. Charity can be given to bring the wicked to the right path. If the sinner gets charity, he gives up wrongdoing.
If it is known that the person to whom the money is to be donated will spend it on unlawful and sinful activities, then it is not permissible to donate to him. It is not permissible to donate to graves, shrines, trees, temples, etc. for the purpose of achieving any particular purpose. Donations cannot be pegged. This is prohibited. It destroys the reward. It is haram or forbidden to take it back after donating.
Donations can be made to religious institutions in the orphanage. If Shirk-Kufr and (Beda-a-t-I) are free institutions of education. Education system based on (Taw-heed) and Sunnah continues. Giving away beloved and good things is better and more rewarding.
It is also permissible to donate on behalf of parents or deceased Muslims or relatives. In this, the reward of the donation reaches the grave of the one for whom it is donated. In this case - it is necessary to donate at such a place. That donation lasts forever.
And that's good. For example, land waqf, construction of mosques and madrassas, provision of tube wells, poor religious education expenses, accommodation for students, food, medical treatment, clothing, books in the orphanage etc. Because these are included in all the charitable giving.
Donate regularly throughout the year in the orphanage. But it is Sunnah to give more in Ramadan. Because Prophet (PBUH) used to donate more than the 'flowing wind' in this blessed month.
It is a good and rewarding work to find the needy people in the society and secretly deliver the donation items to their homes. Because among the needy in the society there are people who, despite being needy, cannot ask for charity from anyone out of shame.
It is better to give charity when there is more attraction and delusion towards wealth. The donation of that time is more dear to Allah. Donating at this time is more dignified than donating at the juncture of life and death.
It is important to remember that it is very important to have love and compassion for the one who is being given charity. In the orphanage it also important to show love to them. Even if you can't donate financially to them, there is reward and welfare for being by their side.
May Allah Ta-ala bless the Muslim Ummah in the orphanage and all the needy people with blessings, welfare and reward. Give (Taw-f-I-q) to give more. Donate the Tawfik of giving charity in accordance with the right and manners of giving. Amen.