donate to an orphan, the Prophet (PBUH) pointed to the (shah-a-dah) and middle fingers of his hand and said, I and the guardian of orphans will be side by side in Paradise like these two fingers.
For this mercy and blessings, the Muslim society has been caring for orphans for one and a half thousand years, showing affection and compassion towards them. People cherish their relative orphan as a member of their family in the hope of blessing, reward and salvation in the Hereafter. The reward of helping orphans during the Holy Ramadan increases hundreds of times.
Fatherless minor children and adolescents are called orphans. Orphan in conventional Bengali. A child without a father is also called an orphan in a practical sense. After giving birth, the mother leaves the child behind, sick, unemployed and helpless many fathers even leave the child as an orphan. Real orphans or orphans in the practical sense are not less helpless children in the society.
Islam has given many responsibilities to the society for the poor, helpless and orphans. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an, donate Zakat is the right of the orphans, the poor and the poor. The eight categories of zakat also include helpless poor orphans.
There are two rewards in donating and helping orphans who learn Den I-m. One. Orphan's care. Two. The spread of religious knowledge. Allah Ta'-ala says in the Holy Qur'an about the dignity of donating orphans, they ask you about the orphans, say, 'It is better to do good to them' and if you are together with them, then they are your brothers'.
Regarding the status of donating orphans, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that a person who donates to widows, orphans and the poor is equivalent to a mujahid in the path of Allah. Or his status is like that of one who wakes the night (for prayer), who never gets tired. Or his status is like that of a fasting person who never breaks his fast.
According to Islam, raising orphans is the way to heaven. It is mentioned in the Hadith Sharif, 'Whoever makes an orphan sit with his parents in their own (family) donation and food arrangement and donates him such a quantity of food that he eats to his satisfaction, Jannah will become obligatory for him.
In the country, thousands of helpless people find refuge in mosques, madrasas and shelters. Almost all communal madrasas have orphanages. Orphanage students follow a special routine 24 hours a day. They memorized the Quran on the last night.
The country's health centers have been hampered by the health crisis this Ramadan. Student learning is disrupted. It is very important to open the safe houses under the condition of following the rules of hygiene against illness. As a result of 24-hour recitation of the Qur'an, God's special mercy will be obtained for the country and the nation.
Most orphanages and orphanages receive more donations during Ramadan. The orphanages and orphanages are mainly run with these incomes. This year in Ramadan, the helpless shelters are not open. The flow of people's zakat and donate is almost stopped. It is very important to give charity and zakat at such a time.
Ramadan is the best season to donate. Allah has increased the amount of reward. Even after the Eid holidays or the closure of classes, the administration employees in many madrasas are forced to let the helpless stay. Because in many Madrasahs there are also helpless students who have nowhere to go. Even on Eid, they celebrate Eid in Madrasa without going home.
None of their parents are alive. There is no shelter to go to. There are thousands of such helpless people in madrassas and Orphanage of the country. In such a situation, it is the duty of every pious person to help the helpless by keeping in mind the call of the Qur'an and Sunnah.
The wealthy, wealthy businessmen, social workers and industrialists of the society should extend their helping hand to the helpless for the sake of Allah's mercy and salvation. There is no alternative to donate charity to stay safe from turmoil, accidents, epidemics, diseases. It is obligatory to donate with faith and to be free from hell and death.
The importance, benefits and necessity of donating food to the orphans.
All praise is due to Almighty Allah who has sent humans to the world as Ashraful (Ma-k-hl-u-kat) or the best of creation. He created the human race for the welfare of each other. Donating food to the poor, hungry person is the best and the best among all the works related to human welfare.
In the eyes of Islam, the importance of donating food to hungry people is great. The Holy Qur'an and Sahih Hadith have been given great importance in this regard. Below is the light on this matter.-Importance and benefits.
Obeying the instructions of Almighty Allah donate to an orphan ?
In various places in the Holy Quran, Almighty Allah has commanded and encouraged to donate food to the hungry. As Almighty Allah says, أَوْ إِطْعَامٌ فِي يَوْمٍ ذِي مَسْغَبَةٍ, يَتِيمًا ذَا مَقْرَبَةٍ, أَوْ مِسْسِينًا ذَا مَتْرَبَةٍ - 'Or giving food to an orphan close relative on the day of hunger. Or the lost and needy.
Elsewhere he said, وَيُطْعِمُوْنَ الطَّعَامَ عَلَى حُبِّهِ مِسْكِيْنًا وَيَتِيْمًا وَأَسِيْرًا "Surely the believers donate food to the needy, the helpless and the prisoners out of love for Allah". So we can be considered as servants of Almighty Allah by donating food to hungry poor people.
Best practice to donate ?
Worship is basically divided into two parts. One. Worship associated with Almighty Allah. He is called such as Salat, fasting etc. Two. Worship associated with the servant, which is called Haqq-ul I-bad. For example, being nice to people, coming forward when people are in danger, etc.
The best and greatest is to assist a hungry person with food. A person suffering from hunger becomes weak in all aspects, he becomes helpless and immobile due to lack of food, so feeding the hungry and satisfying him is a deed preferred by Almighty Allah.
Narrated in the hadith, أَنَّ رَجُلاً سَأَلَ النَّبِىَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم أَىُّ الإِسْسلامِ خَيْرٌ قَالَ : تُطْعِمُ الطَّعَامَ, 'Once a person asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), which work is best in Islam? The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The best deed in Islam is to feed a hungry person." So the person who provides food assistance to the hungry will be considered as the best doer.
May Allah's grace donate to an orphan ?
A person who assists hungry people with food will be blessed with the grace of Almighty Allah. Almighty Allah says, إِنَّمَا نُطْعِمُكُمْ لِوَجْهِ اللهِ لَ نُرِيْدُ مِنْكُمْ جَزَاءً وَلاَ شُكُوْرًا- They say, We assist you with food only to gain the pleasure of Allah, we do not ask you for anything in return and we do not seek gratitude.
The Prophet (P-b-uh) said, الرَّاحِمُونَ يَرْحَمُهُمُ الرّرحْمَنُ ارْحَمُوا مَنْ فِى الأَرْضِ يَرْحَمْكُمْ مَنْ فِى السَّسَمَاءِ - 'Allah, the Merciful, has mercy on the merciful.
Be merciful to the inhabitants of the earth, the inhabitants of the sky (Allah) will be merciful to you. Another hadith has come, لاَ يَرْحَمُ اللهُ مَنْ لَاَ يَرْحَمُ النَّاسَ ‘Whoever does not show mercy, God does not show mercy to him. The Prophet (p-b-uh) said:
And whoever helps his brother, Allah will help him. Whoever relieves the suffering of a Muslim, Allah will relieve him of one of the great dangers of the Day of Resurrection.
By giving food assistance to the hungry, people are favored, by doing this we can gain the favor of Almighty Allah in this world. Again, the suffering of the hungry is alleviated through food assistance, in this Allah Almighty will alleviate our sufferings in Rebellion.
Thanking God Almighty ?
We are always immersed in the infinite blessings of Almighty Allah. Just by looking at our body we can see how beautiful and beautiful God has made us. He gave speech power to speak, priceless sight power to observe his blessings.
Through food assistance to the hungry, we can thank him for all these blessings and follow his path. Almighty Allah says:
Did I not give him two eyes? And the tongue and two lips? And We showed him two ways. But he did not enter the gorge. Do you know what the gorge is? That is emancipation. Or giving food to an orphan close relative on a day of hunger. Or to the deluded needy'.
In the above verses, Almighty Allah has first reminded us of some priceless favors He has bestowed upon us. Eyes-ears, tongue, etc., without which the normal form of man cannot be imagined. Then he spoke of two paths, one good, the other evil.
By giving eyes and ears to people, he has also given the correct knowledge of what is good and what is bad. Then said, either he will be grateful or ungrateful. That is, if you do not follow the path shown by him, you will be ungrateful and if you follow his path, you will be grateful.
He also clarified the way to be his grateful servant that is good deeds, freeing slaves and food assistance to the hungry. It is through this work that we can become followers of his path and become grateful servants.
This will increase our honor and wealth in this world and hereafter. Almighty Allah says, لَئِنْ شَكَرْتُمْ لَأَزِيدَنَّكُمْ If you accept gratitude, then I will certainly increase you more.
Obedience to the Prophet (p-b-uh) donate to an orphan ?
A person who provides food assistance to a poor, helpless and hungry person will be considered a person who obeys the Prophet (PBUH). Because the Prophet (peace be upon him) gave strict orders to give food assistance to the hungry. He said, رُدُّوا السَّائِلَ وَلَوْ بِظِلْفٍ مُحْتَرِقٍ 'Give the beggar (the hungry) something or the other, even if it is a hoof burnt in the fire'.
Therefore, if we want to be a fully obedient ummah of the Prophet (PBUH), we must provide food assistance to the hungry. Because he said, "Surely he is not a full believer who eats his fill but his neighbor is hungry". He also said, give food assistance to the hungry. Then you will enter paradise with peace.
Get special help ?
Feeding the hungry is an act of charity that seeks to meet the needs of one. Because by helping the hungry and trying to meet the need of the destitute Muslim brother, the satisfaction of Almighty Allah can be achieved. And in this special help of Allah can be obtained.
Because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, whoever tries to fulfill the needs of his Muslim brother, Allah Almighty will fulfill his needs. Elsewhere he also said, "Whoever makes the path of a poor person easy, Allah will make his path easy in this life and the Hereafter." So we have to try to meet the need of the poor hungry through food charity.
God's pleasure in charity charity food to the hungry ?
Almighty Allah is pleased if food assistance is given to the hungry. Once a person came to the Holy Prophet (p-b-uh) and said, I am starving. The Prophet of Allah (PBUH) quickly sent news to one of his wives. Then the news came that there is nothing but water in the house.
Then he sent news to the other wife and she said, By Allah, there is nothing in the house except water. He even sent word to all the wives and they all said the same thing. Finally, the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) stood among the Companions and announced who will accept this hungry person as a guest this night.
One of the Companions Abu Talha Ansari (RA) said, O Messenger of Allah (PBUH)! I accepted this hungry as a guest. Then Abu Talha (RA) took the hungry man to his house. Entertain the hungry guests of the Prophet (PBUH). His wife said that only the children had little food in the house.
Abu Talha (R.A.) said to his wife, "It will continue." You will distract the children with something to make them sleep and when the guest enters our room you will turn off the light and let him know that we are also eating. Then they did as planned and both spent the night fasting.
The next morning when Abu Talha (RA) went to the Prophet (PBUH), the Prophet (PBUH) called him and said, Gabriel (PBUH) has come and informed me that you treated the hungry guest last night. Allah Ta-ala is surprised or He laughs'.
Like a jihadist in the way of Allah, constant prayer and fasting ?
Assisting poor hungry people with food, making efforts for their food is so dignified that the person gets the status of Jihadist in the path of Almighty Allah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, the one who strives for the widow and the helpless is equivalent to the one who strives in the path of Allah Almighty. A striver for the hungry will not only attain the status of a jihadist.
Even he is like a person who continuously fasts during the day (Na-f-al) and offers Salat every night. A famous companion said, I think the Prophet (PBUH) also said something about those who strive for the helpless that that person is like one who observes Salat and fasting at the same time.
Gain endless blessings of paradise, donate to an orphan ?
A person who gives food charity to the needy in order to gain the love of Almighty Allah will enter Paradise and he will continue to enjoy the endless blessings of Paradise. Almighty Allah says, 'Surely the believers give food charity to the hungry, the helpless and the prisoners for the sake of their love for Allah.
Because of which Almighty Allah will protect them from the evil of that terrible day of doomsday. Not only that, they will give charity joy and vitality. Give them the silk clothes of Paradise for their patience. In Paradise they will recline on high seats. The Prophet (p-b-uh) said, "You help the hungry as much as possible, then you will enter Paradise in peace".
help social importance ?
Meeting the main basic needs of people Food is the main basic needs of people. In the pursuit of this food, many poor people turn to various social crimes. Such as theft, robbery, robbery etc. At the root of all this is scarcity. Therefore, the basic needs of people in the society will be met through food charity to the hungry poor, which will reduce theft, robbery and robbery. Stability will prevail.
Is the relationship strong ?
The upper class living in the society comes in the company of the poor class, stands by them through food charity to the hungry. As a result, the gap between the two classes narrows and their mutual relations are strengthened. Respect for each other, love, sincerity etc. increases.
Through food assistance to the hungry, one person comes forward in another person's suffering. As a result, peace and stability prevails in the society and a society of mutual help-cooperation and harmony is developed. Through food assistance to the hungry, the rich reach out to the poor, thereby reducing the rich-poor disparity to a great extent and the hungry are also satisfied with food.
Punishment for not feeding the hungry ?
A person who does not feed the hungry is not a full believer and will face severe punishment in this world and the next. A person who denies the Day of Judgment is a person who does not give food charity to the hungry and does not encourage food aid.
Because Allah Almighty says, أَرَأَيْتَ الَّذِي يُكَذِّبُ بِالدِّينِ, فَذَلِكَ الَّذِي يَدُعُّ الْيَتِيمَ, وَلَا يَحُضُّ عَلَى طَعَامِ الْمِسْكِيْنِ - 'Have you seen him who lies on the Day of Judgment? He is the one who strangles orphans and does not encourage food assistance to the needy.
A believer can never give food to the hungry in charity. And whoever does this is not a true believer. Therefore, the Prophet (peace be upon him) clearly said, "He is certainly not a believer who eats to his stomach while his poor neighbor is hungry."
Faced with terrible punishment in the world ?
A person who does not help the hungry with food will face punishment from Allah in this world. Almighty Allah says, 'And he narrows his means, then he says, My Lord has humiliated me. Never. Rather, you do not respect orphans. And do not encourage one another to give food to the needy'.
Therefore, if we do not help the hungry and encourage people to feed them, there is no doubt that Allah Almighty will punish us by reducing our favors in this world. He has punished such people in the world in the past too. Almighty Allah says, 'Some people had a garden. When the fruits of the garden were ripe for laying.
They said during the night, we must collect the fruits in the morning, they said no Inshallah and they decided not to allow any hungry person to enter the garden and not to provide food assistance. All night long they stuck to their decision. That night everything was destroyed by the wrath of God. The next day when they reached the garden, they said, We have not gone wrong.
But after a while they understood. They proclaimed the holiness of God Almighty and the owners of the garden began to blame each other for the destruction of the garden. Because they were determined not to give food to the hungry.
assistance facing the angels of punishment in the afterlife ?
A person who does not provide food assistance to the hungry will enter hell and suffer the worst punishment of hell. That person will also face tough questions from the guardian angel of hell. Almighty Allah says, 'They will be asked for what crime you have come to Sa-q-a-r (Hell). The people of hell will say, we were not Muslim.
Direct entry to hell if not assistance ?
A person who does not encourage food assistance to those who do not believe in Allah, the needy, the destitute, and the hungry, will enter hell in a state of humiliation. Almighty Allah says, "Take that person and put a rope around his neck, then throw him into Hell,
He did not believe in God Almighty and he did not encourage people to feed the needy and hungry. May Allah Almighty grant us all the Tawfik to assist the hungry and save him from punishment in the world and the hereafter and grant him the Tawfik to attain Paradise - Amen!
the helpless assistance Islam to protect rights ?
In the eyes of Islam, raising the helpless is the way to heaven. It is in Hadith Sharif, Whoever arranges a (family) meal with the helpless with his parents and assists him with food to the extent that he eats to his satisfaction, Jannah will become obligatory for him.
In another hadith the Prophet (PBUH) said, 'I and the helpless guardian will be like this in Paradise (he indicates with his index and middle fingers. And he makes a small gap between them).
But unfortunately many times seen in the society, neglect and indifference towards the helpless is shown. In many cases, they are also deprived of normal human affection due to the absence of a father. As a result, these helpless children grow up with a kind of revenge.
The thought that man is eating food, but he is not getting it, gives rise to jealousy. The thought that others have clothes, winter protection, but he doesn't makes one vindictive. In this, the behavior of these children is distorted. As a result, they do not trust anyone easily. They have an interest in destructive activities.
So it becomes very easy for them to kill, rape, rob and do merciless work. Even most of them become familiar with drugs in one way or another. A beautiful future life is destroyed. For this, it has been asked to pay special attention to the helpless.
Someone from among the close relatives should come forward. In this case too, it should be noted that no rights are lost. Many verses and hadiths have been described to protect the rights of the helpless and not to deprive them of rights unjustly. Narrated from the hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, Avoid seven destructive actions.
The Companions said, O Messenger of Allah! what are they The Prophet said, Associating anyone with Allah, sorcery, killing a life unjustly, taking usury, devouring the wealth of the helpless, fleeing from the battlefield and slandering a believing holy woman.