adopting an orphan and raising someone else's orphan and taking guardianship by adopting him is permissible in Islam. If an orphan, homeless or neglected child is brought up as one's own child with food and clothing and all kinds of support, or if a childless couple lovingly brings up a child and gives him something voluntarily, then it is not prohibited in Islam.
Islam encourages the adopting of the guardianship of an orphan and the poor child and the responsibility of looking after him and making him a worthy human being. Islam has declared such deeds as deeds of great reward.
The Prophet (PBUH) said, 'I and the guardian of the orphan will be as close as two fingers in Paradise.
An illegal action to break the paternity?
An adopting must be remembered, signing the contract does not give away the paternity of the baby in such a way that the parents will never again be able to identify themselves as the parents of the child. Islam never supports an action.
Because Islam said to stand by the orphan for the sake of reward, but did not allow us to take possession of a child or to destroy his true identity. It is often seen that poor parents adopt children in exchange of money. It can also be called a form of child trafficking.
This is not only inhumane but disgusting. In Islam, buying and selling such independent people is completely forbidden. The Prophet (PBUH) said, Allah Ta-ala says, 'On the Day of Resurrection I will be the opponent of three people - an. that person.
Having broken an oath to someone in my name in any act. Two. A person who has adopted property by selling any independent person. Three. And the person who did a job for someone and did not pay him back.
adopting an orphan and provision of children?
adopting of a child will not change any of its provisions in Islamic Shari-ah; Rather, his previous parents and relatives and parental rights of guardianship will remain as usual. In words, the provisions before and after adoption are the same. The basic issue here is the reward of the person raising the child.
adopting an orphan can call the parents of the foster children?
It is permissible to call parents in honor of guardians for pet children. In the same way, they can call the child affectionately. However, it does not mean that adopting means severing the child's relationship with its original parents.
It is absolutely forbidden to think that the nurturer is his everything now. This is a superstition of the Jahili era. This is strictly prohibited in the Quran.
The Prophet (PBUH) also adopted a companion named Zayed. His father's name was Harissa. Everyone called him Zayd Ibn Muhammad—that is, the son of Muhammad. This is forbidden in the Qur'an. Later everyone started calling him Zayd Ibn Harissa.
In the Holy Qur'an, Almighty Allah says, 'And Allah has not made your sons your sons, they are only words of your mouth. Allah speaks the right words and shows the straight path.
You call them adopting. This is the just law before Allah. If you find them orphans and do not know their parentage, they will be considered as your religious brothers and friends.
The prophet (PBUH) said, Jannah is forbidden for a person who knowingly adopts someone other than his own father as his father. Because it resembles the superstition of ignorance. Islam does not like such analogy.
adopting an orphan and foster children will not be entitled to inheritance property?
After the death of the guardian, the baby will not inherit any part of his property. The guardians will also not inherit the child.
Yes, the foster child can bequeath an asset to the foster baby during his lifetime or bequeath a certain amount of wealth to the foster child after his death.
According to Islamic law, this will is effective only from one-third of the assets. Adopting such baby shall be entitled to inherit property from the original parents and relatives. Giving him a foster orphan did not impair his right to inherited property.
adopting an orphan and the provision of marriage and veil?
A child brought up with a guardian must also fully observe the rules of Islam in the matter of veiling. There is no chance of adopting violating the rules of veil because you have brought up with your own hands. If the child is a boy, he has to perform veil with the adopted mother after reaching adulthood.
On the other hand, if a foster baby is a girl, she has to keep the veil with the foster father. Because according to Islamic Shari-a, adoption relationship never becomes descent relationship. Even the marital relationship between them is valid like that of other common people. There is no room for doubt.
But in the case of veils, an easy method can be adopted, that is, the foster-child will make him drink milk from a female relative of the fosterer while he is still nursing.
So that their milk relationship with the orphan child becomes kinship. Then meeting with them will be valid. In this case, an veil will not be necessary and the establishment of marital relations will also be prohibited.