Survival by breathing is not survival. Peace of mind in daily life is needed as some of the ingredients to live well. Or the main one is the peace of mind of a person. Peace of mind refers to the apparent stability of the mind.
But in order to survive in life, it becomes difficult for us to maintain that stability of mind in the presence of various good or bad elements on a daily basis. And then the pressure of instability of the mind starts, in that pressure we gradually get crushed. And from then on all the mental turmoil started.
The battle with oneself begins, this battle with the mind. But one can never blame oneself for this war, because one can never determine one's surroundings even if one wants to. That situation is determined by the position of the person, the type of people around him, and so on.
We can think of life as a playground. The games that take place in this field are always full of diversity and innovation. But this is just one of the players on the playing field! Here everything is lost or won with itself. Its own biggest rival.
The more one understands oneself, the more successful one is in controlling oneself. But many unwelcome people often enter this playground unknowingly and through their own intervention, voluntarily or unwillingly.
While a handful of these people are a bit of a blessing for life in some cases, most people are ready to ruin life step by step! This process continues to rotate. At some point in the process, it can turn into a mental bondage for a person.
Some people spend a lot of time or effort trying to make their own life better, rather than trying to figure out what to do with their lives. So at some point these unwanted people have to be removed.
But as easy as it is to say or think, it is harder to do, in some cases impossible. In order to do this, everything needs to be at a very high level. And that mental strength comes from fully understanding oneself.
In the society we are living in now, there was a proliferation of selfish people before, it is increasing day by day. Yet through this we live for some people, our life becomes interesting when we come in contact with some people.
What is the excitement of survival! In order to survive this, first of all, every human being has to know his own world. Every human being needs to be good to himself, to love himself, to give himself time, to value himself, to learn to understand himself. Because if you are not good yourself, you can never be good to others, love can not be.
in daily life For peace of mind, one prefers to be alone, everything must be according to his choice. If someone has a team, he thinks he is at peace. The issue of peace of mind varies from person to person.
It is important to be positive in a carefree life. Meh-la Sarkar, an associate professor at the National Institute of Mental Health, said, "It all depends on how much peace I give myself. If we think about the positive aspects of every day or every moment, many problems can be solved.
Because there is so much in our lives that is beyond our control; So we should not regret what we cannot control. We should avoid things that we will not accept in our own lives. Like criticizing someone.
We ourselves do not want anyone to say bad things about us, so we should not do the same in the case of others. It's better to be a little more careful about social media. That is, to make a place for themselves in the field of work.
In this case, if you dislike someone, you should maintain a peaceful relationship with him. After all, having some friends in your life will be the place to talk or express your feelings. Because, we all need dependence in our life. People of dependence but anyone can be.
In a busy life, when there is no time to breathe a little, we can maintain our peace of mind in a very short and simple way.
>Do the hard work first
Many people say that you should start the day with simple tasks, it helps to build self-confidence. But you should start the day with hard work. Because, when you finish the hard work, a huge stress will come down on you. Then you can work all day but in a cheerful mood and there is peace of mind.
> Accept the non-receipts
Not all our wants are met. Some unavailability is present in everyone. It is important to accept these shortcomings for peace of mind, that is, satisfaction. Whatever you have, there must be something good in it. Being good with that good will remove half of your inner turmoil.
> Let people think what they think
Another reason for our mental turmoil is to think about what people think. In many cases, people think nothing of you at all but you are thinking of many things.
In order to give yourself a taste of a carefree life, you have to get rid of the idea of 'what people will think'. This will remove the special pressure on our minds and increase our self-confidence.
> Three good aspects of this moment
It will not be good all the time সব this is normal. Many times one disaster after another can come in your life. At that time, think of keeping your mind calm and at peace. Think of at least three good things that have happened in your life in the midst of this disaster.
It may be that you have helped someone manage everything, in return for which you did not want anything but just wanted the best for someone. After all, you have done well in your studies, that is, always praise yourself for your positive aspects.
> Take care of yourself
This method is very straightforward. Nothing, just go to the window or the balcony of your house and take a deep breath — it will calm you down mentally. Not only that, giving yourself time. Take care of yourself and enjoy a life full of peace of mind, regardless of whether anyone else cares about you or not.
> Periods when stress is reduced
Due to various worries and frustrations, a kind of stress is created among the people. This is usually called stress. There are many guidelines in Islam for overcoming these mental stresses. If you follow it, you can stay free from stress. Then-
> Regular recitation of Quran
Recitation of the Qur'an makes one's heart cheerful. Because recitation of the Qur'an is a unique source of inspiration for the believer. Not only that, the recitation of the Qur'an increases the spirits and peace of mind of the believer. People enlightened in the light of the Qur'an are free from all worries and disappointments of the world.
> Be careful in prayers
Real peace can be obtained only through prayers in times of trouble and distress. Because it is through prayers that the servant gets the help of Allah Almighty. So it is very important to take care of the prayers to get peace of mind.
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And seek My help through prayer and patience. Of course it's hard enough. But it is possible for all those humble people. '(Surat al-Ba-q-a-ra: verse 45)
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to offer prayers when he encountered a difficult problem. '(Abu Dawood) The Companions were also accustomed to this period. They would stand in prayer for even the smallest thing. Even if the laces of his shoes were torn, he would solve them through prayers.
> To apologize more and more
There is no substitute for more forgiveness to cope with stress. Reasons why people are under pressure are:
Lack of children, inadequacy of livelihood etc. To solve all this, the Qur'anic instruction is to seek forgiveness. It is in this D-u-a that man finds a solution to the problem mentioned by Allah Almighty.
It has been said in the Qur'an, "Then ask forgiveness of your Lord." He is very forgiving. He will send down on you abundant rain. He will increase your wealth and children, establish gardens for you, and make rivers flow for you. (Surah No-oh: verses 10-12)
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever seeks forgiveness regularly, Allah will find a way out of all his troubles. He will take away all his worries and provide for him from unimaginable sources. '(Abu Dawood)
> Read more and more du-a
When Durood is recited, Allah bestows mercy on the servant. This mercy keeps people free from all kinds of stress. It is also an easy way to gain self-satisfaction. Because reciting du-a to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is an act of worship which Allah accepts. It has been narrated in the hadith-
Haz-rat Uba-y ibn K-ab (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that I said: O Messenger of Allah! I want to read a lot more about you. How much time do you give me?
He said- ‘As much as you want! I said- a quarter of the time? He said, as much as you want! It is better for you if you increase it further. I said - half time?
He said, "It is better for you to read as much time as you can." I said- then two thirds of the time? He said- as much as you want, if you increase more
Good for you I said- I will spend the whole time reading Durood on you. Then he said, "Then from now on you are far enough to get rid of your troubles and hard enough to atone for your sins..
> Believing in destiny
The believer believes in destiny in all matters of happiness and sorrow, good and evil. And if there is faith in destiny in times of misery, despair, deprivation, danger, no human being suffers from mental stress. So there is peace of mind in relying on Allah Almighty and leaving it to destiny in times of mental stress.
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): And if Allah wills for your good, there is none to change His favor. '(Surah Yun-us: 106)
The catastrophe that befalls you on earth or in person is recorded before I do it; That is easy for Allah. '(Surah Hadid: verse 22)
> in daily life
In many cases depression leads to stress. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the believer not to be discouraged by the dangers in the life of this world. This mentality can be maintained at any time and any kind of danger may come. As a result, it protects people from depression and stress.
The Qur'an also mentions testing the servant with these dangers. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, I will test you with a little fear and hunger and with a little loss of life and property and crops;
And give glad tidings to the patient ones, who, when a calamity befalls them, say, إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون' - surely we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. '(Surat al-Ba-q-a-ra: verses 155-156)
> to get peace of mind in daily life to remember the dangers of the hereafter
The memory of death completely relieves stress. Remembering the difficult situation of the hereafter, people in the world become accustomed to living a normal life. As a result, it is not possible for people to do anything wrong.
That's when people are free from stress. Because the dangers of this world are insignificant compared to the hereafter. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “On the day when they see it, it will be as if they had stayed on earth only one evening or one morning.” (Surat an-Nazi-at: 46)
> Giving peace of mind is to trust in Allah
To be free from mental turmoil, there is no alternative to Faith to Allah Almighty. Because he is the one who said- ‘Allah is sufficient for him who puts his trust in Allah the Almighty.’ (Surah Talaq: verse 3) So the person who knows how to put his trust in Allah Almighty in all the world has no worries.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said in a hadeeth, “Allah declares: I am as the servant thinks of me.” (Bukhari)
> Pray to get peace of mind in daily life
Praying regularly is also one of the ways to reduce stress. Because in the hadith prayer has been called the root of worship. If you pray, if you want something, may Allah be pleased with you. If not, be dissatisfied. However, in the case of prayer, the prayers mentioned in the hadith should be given priority.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: I know of a prayer which, if a person in distress reads it, Allah will remove that danger. That is the prayer of my brother (Haz-rat) Yun-us (peace be upon him). Then
> There is no god but You
Meaning: O Allah! There is no true god but you; I am describing your holiness. Indeed, I am of the wrongdoers.
Also, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to recite a special prayer during times of anxiety and distress. Then-
> God is the one and only God.
Meaning: O Allah! Surely I seek refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, I seek refuge in You from incapacity and laziness, I seek refuge in You from miserliness and cowardice, and I seek refuge in You from the burden of debt and oppression.
So at the present time in daily life it is difficult to find people who are not under stress. More or less everyone is under stress and anxiety. It seems to have become a part of people's daily life. Therefore, stress can be controlled by following and imitating the mentioned ama-ls.
May Allah Tala in daily life grant taw-fi-q to do the above mentioned deeds properly to be free from all the personal, family, social, political, workplace stress including the Muslim Ummah. Give taw-fi-q to build a stress free life by leading a life according to Quran-Sunnah. Amen.
> Stay away from these 6 classes of people to maintain your mental peace
If you want peace of mind in daily life then some people must be avoided. Because at the end of the day you will not have peace of mind to keep everyone happy. For this reason, people who seem to create problems in your life should be avoided.
in daily life Humans are social creatures. People have to live with people. But you have to keep some people away for your own mental peace. Various studies have shown that the people around us influence our lives. You may even suffer from depression and many of your successes may be lost. For this reason, avoid the seven classes of people who create problems in life.
> Gossip Girl Mind Peace
Someone who is talking about someone else in front of you can also tell your story to someone else. Avoid these people for this.
> Negative
Walking with negative people also affects your life. Negative things work in yourself all the time. Such people will never be able to help you achieve your goals; Rather it will leave you frustrated all the time.
> Crying in daily life
There are many people in the world who are just talking about their problems. You have no time or interest in listening. Try to stay away from them.
> Not lazy mind peace
This group does not need any separate identification. They themselves are always away from work, and will keep you out of work.
> Mind peace is not opportunistic
Will blend in with you in such a way that you have to gain a lot of speed to understand its true form. For this, before mixing with people, think about whether you will benefit from it in times of danger.
> in daily life Judge
They will always highlight your good and bad from head to toe. Not only this, with the help of fire you can do welding.
> in daily life Self-centered people
Such people are never good listeners. They will not listen to you with their minds. Be busy with yourself all the time. At the end of the day you will not find this man by your side in any danger.
in daily life The secret of natural happiness and peace in this world
Everyone wants peace of mind. There is no one in the world who does not want to be happy. Many people think that money, education, marriage, children, family, social and economic prestige can make people happy. Surveys in different countries of the world have shown that these achievements do not really make people peace of mind. Real happiness for millions of people is like a golden deer.
They want to buy happiness in daily life, happiness like car, house, ornaments, clothes or wealth is also a kind of product for them. Sociologists say that while these attainments may give people some temporary peace of mind, they do not play a major role in achieving lasting happiness in the real world.
Psychologists or medical scientists think. Psychologists say that happiness is not a matter of material or worldly. Happiness is largely a psychological or spiritual matter.
Many psychologists say that happiness in daily life is genetic or hereditary. Some scientists, based on their scientific findings, say they have identified parts of the brain from which happiness emanates.
David Mayer, a professor of psychology at Hope College in Michigan, says happiness is largely a human-controlled emotion, regardless of whether it is based on genetic or hereditary theories.
It's a lot like a person's cholesterol level, which is genetically influenced, again in most cases controlled by human behavior or lifestyle and eating habits.
Happiness is sometimes thought of as a kind of selfish motive. Happiness does not depend on what people have. Happiness depends entirely on how people think. If the day is started by giving thanks for what one has or in what condition one is - happiness will come in it. Man's future happiness will be based on what he thinks today.
So in daily life, if you start with a positive approach to work and thinking, you will get benefits in life. Self-confident, dignified, kind-hearted, knowledgeable, honest people are usually happy all the time. Those who just want to take, do not know how to give or do not want, they are not happy.
Every experienced person says- in daily life there is no shortcut to happiness. Even the happiest people in the world are not happy 24 hours a day. In the life of happy people also comes frustration and sorrow.
The difference is that in daily life happy people can easily accept frustration and sorrow. Others can't. Our body is not just an inanimate object made of flesh and blood. We have the soul which is an integral part of the body. Emotions have a profound effect on our body.
In the material world in daily life lust, anger, greed, lust, envy, jealousy and revenge are the root causes of our sorrow, suffering, unrest, sickness and destruction. Man can enjoy the bliss of heavenly bliss in this worldly life by keeping himself away from the evils mentioned by his honesty, good deeds and unwavering love for the Creator.
The Creator commands people to live a healthy life. And if you obey those commands and restrictions, peace will come in your life, peace of mind will come. The stronger one's faith in the Creator, the happier he is in the material world. There are thousands of blessings in nature for mind peace, beautiful and happy life.
As a result of the advancement of science and technology and the influence of the belief process, we are moving away from the natural way of life in the day to day life to the artificial, sick, harmful and unhappy lifestyle.
in daily life Millions of people around the world today are being severely affected by the detachment from the natural way of life - mind peace and the soul. But by adopting natural ways we can easily have a healthy, beautiful and mind peace life.
Mind is the opposite of peace. in daily life He who is not happy is not healthy. Illness can be physical or mental. There is no peace of mind in human life even if one suffers from physical illness. Nevertheless, physical ailments can be largely cured by the application of drugs. But if people suffer from mental illness, then disaster strikes. Because mental illness is the most complex disease in the world.
In today's world of life, millions of people are mentally disturbed, which is having a huge adverse effect on many countries, personally, family, socially and politically. Medical scientists around the world are in a dilemma and are struggling to heal these mentally ill people.
Pharmaceutical companies and medical scientists are branding depression and anxiety as a disease and trying to cure it with drugs, although medicine has never defined depression as a disease. Medicine does not work in these cases as depression is not a disease. Rather it causes adverse reactions in the body.
Dan Gilbert, a Harvard psychologist, says you have to synthesize your mind peace. Your body has a psychological ‘immune system’ in daily life that will make you happy by helping you to know and understand your surroundings or your world.
in daily life Buying new clothes or earning a lot of money from the lottery will take away all the sorrows of your life and bring endless mind peace and happiness, such imagination misleads people's thinking.
Warren Buffett of the United States is one of the richest people in the world. There are many stories about his life philosophy, work, money, mind to get peace. in daily life We know something, we don't know anything. Warren Buffett never boarded a private plane.
Although he owns one of the largest proprietary jet companies in the world. He still lives in a three-room house he bought 50 years ago and enjoys playing online bridges. Sounds incredible but the words are true and inspiring. Absolutely happy Warren Buffett, the owner of the world's richest people, thinks that happiness is the real happiness, not wealth.
He has always believed that in daily life, what people like to do and what they enjoy can lead to success, increase performance and efficiency. "I play bridge 12 hours a week online," said Warren Buffett. To many, this may seem like too much entertainment.
However, many things in daily life can give us a lot of joy and peace of mind. Warren Buffett does not believe in competition. "I naturally believe in doing things that make sense," he said. In my personal life I don't care what other rich people do.
I don't believe in the misconception that I should have a 405 feet long pleasure boat because someone has a 400 feet long pleasure boat. About wealth, he said- Making money is not the goal of human life, the byproduct of the goal of human life is to earn money.
However, when it comes to living in the world, worldly achievements do not play any role in bringing mind peace - this is not true. Scientists in their recent research have found that money is at the root of all happiness or mind peace. It is true that money cannot always give happiness mind peace, but when a person earns more than everyone else, he just feels happy.
in daily life But it temporarily satisfies people. I have read books since childhood - money is the root of evil. Money keeps people busy, money goes to the center of human life and in fact there is violence, conflict.
We also read - mind peace or health is the root of all happiness. I prefer this proverb, to say the least, not to be involved in medicine. in daily life If you do not have good health or if you do not have peace of mind, whether it is temporary or long lasting, no happiness can be realized.
in daily life In my view, only people with good physical and mental health can easily acquire the materials needed for happiness and peace of mind in this material world.
in daily life I see many acquaintances of my friends- when money was not prestige, they spent their days in mind peace through simple living. Now the finances keep them restless all the time.
They can't sleep at night, they don't have time to eat, they are very sick physically and mentally. With the money for the treatment of body and mind, they have to give up all their happiness.
Their lives are becoming unbearable day by day due to physical and mental peace illness. Many of them talk to me and ask for advice. in daily life I say keep body and mind good, only then life will become beautiful, happy and meaningful.
Mental Peace requires physical and mental well-being, living a regular life, giving up greed, being content with less, living a worry-free life, eating healthy food in daily life, sleeping peacefully at night,
To get peace of mind, to work with joy and contentment, to give up anger, disgust or emotion, to drink pure water, in daily life Build meaningful relationships.
in daily life We need to keep in mind - physical and mental peace of mind The sex of married life plays an important role for a healthy and happy life. In daily life, people can be happier if they acquire some additional qualities. And to get peace of mind, surrender to the Creator and pray regularly. Read good books full of encouraging humor.
mind Peace Give and take care of the poor, miserable and destitute people. It will increase a lot of mind peace and self-satisfaction. in daily life Extend a helping hand to others. Music can be a source of immense joy and happiness. Express gratitude for what you have, without regretting it.
Smile more to get peace of mind. in daily life Then I believe that you will be happy and healthy. People who are happy and healthy do not need to be dependent on drugs.